To blog or not to blog has been the question in my head these last few months. Blogging seems like a wonderful way to share feelings and emotions . It seems like a fun way to keep in touch. It seems like a gesture of good faith, a way to share your life and truths with friends and strangers. Unless, like me, you are afraid of letting the true "you" shine. In that case, starting a blog is a terrifying venture.
So the truth for me is going to sometimes be ugly. Quite possibly, it won't be funny. It might even make you feel a little dirty. I am tired of analyzing each word and gesture. I am exhausted from living in this vacuum of what people will think. I would like to apologize before I even get started because I am really too tired to apologize after this.
Blogging seems to be like news years resolutions are to exercise. I've seen many start but then stop as it's difficult to keep up with it (at least it seems difficult when you start). However, I encourage you to do so as it's a wonderful way to express yourself and share. Life is too short not to be authentic! Depending on what you share, you will get feedback on both sides, but there is a large difference between not saying something because of trying to be politically correct, and sharing honest, heartfelt, thoughts.
Enjoy :)
The true you is beautiful, inside and out. Gooooo Tina!! You're awesome :-)
Thank you Matt and Alysia for your positive words. I appreciate your following me too. :)
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